Posts Tagged ‘Diseases’

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?)

December 5, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?)


Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?). We need 20 Billion high quality Burgers every day.


1. Nature

Climate Change: Circulation of Atlantic Ocean Was Faster During Last Ice Age Than Today
(Observed: Scientist swing on their opinion on Ocean and it’s Emotion)

2. Evolution

Not Always Safety in Numbers When It Comes to Extinction Risk
(Observed: Quality and Quantity discovered in fossils, and perhaps their story of fun and sadness)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1961
Georg von Békésy
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1961 was awarded to Georg von Békésy “for his discoveries of the physical mechanism of stimulation within the cochlea”.
(Observed: Scientist say ears should listen to slavery rather than your will, and men celebrate their cocky business at it with their Queens)

4. Astrophysics

Saturn’s Ever-Changing F Ring
(Observed: Secret in Saturn, a teaser released. The rest in Scientist-2)

5. Quantum Mechanics

‘Squeezed’ Quantum Vacuum Filled With Atoms
(Observed: Scientist try to study the ‘Butterfly Effect’ in me, first phase done, second remaining. When I am squeezed, results will be presented to the World. The dog is the ‘Judge in the Society which I Live’)

6. Brain

New Target for Alzheimer’s Drug Development
(Observed: If they cut your sex limb, you might be able to solve Alzheimer Disease on your own, Scientist informs ‘Dalal Street’ and ‘Las Vegas’)

7. Gene Therapy

Men and Women Explore the Visual World Differently
(Observed: Men are scientist and women are artist, the philosopher absconding in Nature. Someone help the World to find him)

8. Disease

Ponatinib Acts Against the Most Resistant Types of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
(Observed: Need explored in World, by America. Solution is Truth)


World and it’s ways explored from my dog’s perspective. Her name is Spicy. She finds it funny why men fret about their cocks and women about their pussy.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science give ‘Light to Blind People’ through a Joke?)

November 30, 2012

Nature  (Can Science give ‘Light to Blind People’ through a Joke?)


Can Science give ‘Light to Blind People’ through a Joke?


1. Nature

Thawing of Permafrost Expected to Cause Significant Additional Global Warming, Not Yet Accounted for in Climate Predictions
(Observed: Humanity get locked by Machine and complain. North melts into South)

Funny Thing: Blind People might have to go to Space to find Peace and also perhaps, our quest for ‘Never Ending Life’

2. Evolution

We’re in This Together: A Pathbreaking Investigation Into the Evolution of Cooperative Behavior
(Observed: Scientist deep in search for ‘Other Evolutionary Mechanism, hide behind dark corners and look for the light to come in)

Funny Thing: Scientist act Blind on ‘Alternate Evolutionary Mechanism’ to run away from Death and push perhaps more innocent people into ‘Gas Chambers’

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1957
Daniel Bovet
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1957 was awarded to Daniel Bovet “for his discoveries relating to synthetic compounds that inhibit the action of certain body substances, and especially their action on the vascular system and the skeletal muscles”.
(Observed: Italian Scientist tries to dig his hand in ‘Oily Chicken Food in India’ and calls out Sweden to wash his ass and bill)

Funny Thing: If you act blind, then other people might just loose their eyes, specially your enemy. Atleast there is some chance to this and you get lots of money

4. Astrophysics

Giant Black Hole Could Upset Galaxy Evolution Models
(Observed: A ‘Large Bird’ in a ‘Small Nest’. What is the Universe upto?)

Funny Thing: If you put a large bag of responsibility on small shoulders, the enemy will cave in leading to his demise. Jodha was given to Akbar to drive out Muslims from India, and that’s what seems to have happened

Can Life Emerge On Planets Around Cooling Stars?
(Observed: Scientist eat a ‘Turkey’ and make a ‘Wild Goose Theory’ to cover it, thinking we would be blind to it)

5. Quantum Mechanics

Outside a Vacuum: Model Predicts Movement of Charged Particles in Complex Media
(Observed: Scientist mix one more medium in another to find out the response of test particles)

Funny Thing: If you are fighting with one enemy, put one more common enemy in the fray and then step aside

6. Brain

Lack of Nutrients and Metabolic Syndrome Linked to Different Subtypes of Depression
(Observed: East and West churn on their racket, and Scientist try to associate medicine and diet with them, bringing fake confusion to borrow more money into fake world, perhaps)

Funny Thing: If you want to create more order or blindness, just create more confusion for talented people so that common people have no hope

Biology Behind Brain Development Disorder: Mutations in the Gene, UBE3B, Cause a Rare Genetic Disorder in Children
(Observed: Brain size reduces by 3 in children and, Drones reach Africa or ‘Survival of Fittest’. Or innocent children might pay the price of our failed quest for ‘Infinity through technology failures’ )

7. Gene Therapy

Improving Gene Therapy for Heart Disease, Cancer
(Observed: Scientist try to use ‘Spit’ for controlling border areas between ‘Order and Disorder’, ‘Rich and Poor’, ‘Quality and Quantity’, and more)

Funny Thing: If you want to ‘snoop’ in to someone’s body and mind, play with him ‘snooker’. Pay one time, the bill and then endless sorrow and blindness to the guinea pig

8. Disease

Gene Mutation Linked to Old Age Hearing Loss Identified
(Observed: Whole African Generation and 30 Million Americans get affected and loose sound and sleep perhaps. Mebbe Paris Hilton can explain about ‘Origin of Life’ to them in her new porn movie)

Funny Thing: First keep a man hungry for months and then give him a lot of sweets for a few days, and then Society celebrates ‘Barka ID’ on him snatching all his money keeping him in dark


Blindness and it’s impact on Life, studied.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Discontinuities in Nature’?)

November 10, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Discontinuities in Nature’?)


Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Discontinuities in Nature’?.


1. Nature

What’s Behind Rising Food Prices, Beyond the U.S. Drought
(Observed: America looks out into the World in hope after Obama wins again for DHL)

Massive Volcanic Eruption Puts Past Climate and People in Perspective
(Observed: India gets a bit of ‘Choco Lava Cake’ from Indonesia, Domino’s expands its reach)

2. Evolution

Did Exploding Stars Help Life On Earth Thrive?
(Observed: Science looks out for stars, to point to ‘Evolution of Life’. Somehow the movie stars always get the cake, and the common man are left with ‘Bakhra and Onion’)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1920
August Krogh
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1920 was awarded to August Krogh “for his discovery of the capillary motor regulating mechanism”.
(Observed: Blood and Pumping studied, just don’t add ‘Bond: The World is Not Enough’ and Domino’s Pizza with it)

4. Astrophysics

NASA’s Infrared Observatory Measures Expansion of Universe
(Observed: Scientist shag out the expansion of Universe by taking away our light, and leaving us in a dark alley)

Surprising Black Hole Discovery Changes Picture of Globular Star Clusters
(Observed: Quantum Theory gets a ‘Black Hole: Two of Them’)

5. Quantum Mechanics

First Bose-Einstein Condensate of Erbium: Quantum Condensate of the Thirteenth Kind
(Observed: Scientist fire their imagination into magnetic attraction and make a new curd which we can eat with Chicken probably. I hope you folks get good looking Scientist when you enjoy this dish)

6. Brain

Alzheimer’s Disease in Men Linked to Low Levels of Hormone IGF-1
(Observed: Hormones missing in Men, make men a bit mad)

Abnormal Brain Circuits May Prevent Movement Disorder
(Observed: What looks, is not true. And what is true, might not look outside. Because it is the case of minds being narrow as English is a very funny language, as Amitabh quotes in ‘Namakhalal’)

7. Gene Therapy

Gene Switch Important in Cancer Discovered
(Observed: Be careful of people gifting you the movie ‘Anand’)

New Genetic Regions Influencing Blood Glucose Traits Revealed
(Observed: Scientist study more genes which cause Diabetes)

8. Disease

Neuro Signals Study Gives New Insight Into Brain Disorders
(Observed: Brain Disorders can be studied by getting into details of the body and mind, as Scientist find)

Opioids Linked to Higher Risk of Pneumonia in Older Adults
(Observed: Opiods can increase risk of Pnuemonia)


Science solves some of the problems of Nature: ‘Discontinuities in Nature’.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Into the Unknown

November 6, 2012

Into the Unknown

You being

Into the

Out comes
your pulp

It doesn’t
look so

You must

Your neck

The strike
in you

Whistles the
energy out

Chaos and

A thousand
thunderin typhoons

In you
& Out

The squeal
and the
pool of

In which
you walk

To the

Caution: This might be all theory

Work (Can Science find the ‘Road to Recovery, once you are injured?)

October 18, 2012

Work  (Can Science find the ‘Road to Recovery, once you are injured?)


Can Science find the ‘Road to Recovery, once you are injured’?


1. Astrophysics

NASA’s Spitzer Finds First Objects Burned Furiously
(Observed: America finds an old treasure of Universe and shares it with us)

2. Quantum Mechanics

Theoretical Breakthrough: Generating Matter and Antimatter from Nothing
(Observed: How did the Universe come into being?)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969
Derek Barton, Odd Hassel
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969 was awarded jointly to Derek H. R. Barton and Odd Hassel “for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry”
(Observed: Form and Content of Life, studied)

4. Brain

Outmuscling Major Depression With Creatine
(Observed: Much faster energy now, with Korea)

Lack of Protein FKBP51 in Old Mice Improves Resilience to Depressive Behavior
(Observation: A Protein when hit, creates Life again in us)

5. Gene Therapy

How a Single Gene Mutation Leads to Uncontrolled Obesity
(Observed: A Single Gene freezes the brain which makes us eat endlessly)

Single Gene Defect Causes Brain Tumor
(Observed: Emergency everywhere, now in children, causes brain tumour)

6. Environment

Eliminating Sagebrush May Hurt Rather Than Help Wildlife
(Observed: A vegetation cover which when removed decreases animals but increases plants)

Fall Calls Bats to Hibernate, Scientists to Study Them
(Observed: Bats take on pest on fields, help Humans)

7. Evolution

Evolution to the Rescue: Species May Adapt Quickly to Rapid Environmental Change, Yeast Study Shows
(Observed: Yeast evolution studied by Scientist, conclusion, depends on Environment)

Plankton Fossils Tell Tale of Evolution and Extinction
(Observed: Plankton studied to tell us the tales of their evolution, results yet to be disclosed)

8. Disease

Drivers With Epilepsy Are On The Road Again
(Observed: Epilepsy people rejoice in Japan, can drive again)

Study Reveals Origins of Esophageal Cancer
(Observed: A Cancer which comes up to you discovered in America, similar to the rise of America in the 17th century to 19th century)


Once we can crack out ‘What’s Zero and Infinity’, we might be able to grow indefinetly. America & the World (specially Asian Countries like Korea and Japan), take the first step towards ‘Never Ending Life’, face a few hurdles like ‘Mental Disorders’ and Obesity.

Caution: This might be all theory

Nature (Can Science solve problems of ‘Nature: Human Body and Mind’?)

October 17, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of ‘Nature: Human Body and Mind’?)


Can Science solve problems of ‘Nature: Human, Body and Mind’?


Neuroscientists Find the Molecular ‘When’ and ‘Where’ of Memory Formation
(Observed: Scientist get clues to memory, ‘When’ and ‘Where’, claim to have mapped ‘Space-Time’ continuity in Brain)

How the Body Uses Vitamin B to Recognize Bacterial Infection
(Observed: Immune fights Tuberculosis and more, discovered in America)

Bone Marrow Holds Secrets for Treating Colitis and Crohn’s
(Observed: How diseases like Colitis and Crohn are caused by ‘Unnecessary Bone Marrow Inflammation’)

This Is Your Brain On Food: Studies Reveal How Diet Affects Brain Functions
(Observed: Brain as declared by World, so far so good)

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1976
William Lipscomb
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1976 was awarded to William Lipscomb “for his studies on the structure of boranes illuminating problems of chemical bonding”.
(Observed: Boranes Discovered)


Science solves many problems of ‘Nature: Human, Body and Mind’.

Caution: This might be all theory

Can Science study ‘Death in us’?

October 14, 2012

Can Science study ‘Death in us’?


Can Science study ‘Death in us’?


New Gene Test Flags Risk of Serious Complications in Sarcoidosis
(Observed: A disease which causes Lung complications, very difficult to predict its ethics and Nature)

One CVD Death in China Every 10 Seconds
(Observed: A whole lot of people die due to smoking in China)

Sleep Apnea Plays Dual Role in Stroke
(Observed: Brain suffocates now for the want of Air in Canada)

Potential Cause of Severe Sleep Disorder Discovered, Implications for Parkinson’s Disease
(Observed: People with a particular sleep disorder, also might get Parkinson’s Disease)

Mild Hearing Loss Leaves Lasting Impact On Neurological Processes
(Observed: Hearing Loss leads to long-term brain impact)

Substance-Use Disorders Linked to Increased Risk of Death for Veterans With PTSD
(Observed: People who have no future are increasing going to drugs and death)

New Link Between High-Fat ‘Western’ Diet and Atherosclerosis Identified
(Observed: Western Diet can lead to Atherosclerosis, heart problems)


‘Death in us’ studied, mostly due to ‘Bad Air’.

Caution: This might be all theory

Work (Can Science find ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’?)

October 10, 2012

Work  (Can Science find ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’?)


Can Science find ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’?


Extending Einstein’s Theory Beyond Light Speed
(Observed: Faster than light, formulae generated, by Scientist)

Hormone Level Linked With Increased Risk of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Breast Cancer, Death
(Observed: A Hormone linked to many diseases)

Astrocytes as a Novel Target in Alzheimer’s Disease
(Observed: Astrocytes seem to be playing a double role, as two different series of articles suggest)

DNA Findings Hold Potential for Cancer Treatment
(Observed: New DNA strip found, beneficial for Humans, might be linked to ‘Zero’)


Some of ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’ studied in this blog.

Caution: This might be all theory

Work (Can Science find ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’?)

October 10, 2012

Work  (Can Science find ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’?)


Can Science find ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’?


1. Astrophysics

Radiation Belt Storm Probes: Fundamental Physics to Benefit Life On Earth, in Space
(Observed: Earth shows off its own rings like Saturn, glows with the help of Sun)

2. Quantum Mechanics

One Clock With Two Times: When Quantum Mechanics Meets General Relativity
(Observed: Quantum particles separated by Gravity and Space, effect being measured)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1962
Max F. Perutz, John C. Kendrew
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1962 was awarded jointly to Max Ferdinand Perutz and John Cowdery Kendrew “for their studies of the structures of globular proteins”
(Observed: X-Ray used to study globular proteins like haemoglobin)

4. Brain

High Amounts of the Hormone Leptin Are Linked to Decreased Depression
(Observed: Leptin correlated to fat and depression. Root-Cause of depression and obesity, unknown. Might also reflect our ‘Fast Food Life’)

Light at Night Causes Changes in Brain Linked to Depression
(Observed: If you put light on ‘Anti-Gravity Waste’, it leads to depression in Hamsters)

5. Gene Therapy

Gene Responsible For Rare Form Of Congenital Anemia Discovered
(Observed: ‘Back to the Future’ kids, develop a disease related to Power)

Gene That Regulates And Blocks Ovulation Discovered
(Observed: ‘Back to the Future’ Mom’s develop infertility)

6. Environment

Climate Change to Fuel Northern Spread of Avian Malaria: Malaria Already Found in Birds in Alaska
(Observed: Birds found wandering off target from their prey, might be infected by Malaria. Cause Unknown)

Urban Sun Corridor 4 Degrees Warmer?
(Observed: ‘Desert Areas’ get a kick of 4 degrees in America, specifically Arizona, might signify ‘Global Warming’)

7. Evolution

Significant Skull Differences Between Closely Linked Groups
(Observed: Skulls differ in similar groups of people in Lisbon, might be due to ‘Back to the Future’ effect)

Darwin in the Genome: Research On Stickleback Fish Shows How Adaptation to New Environments Involves Many Genes
(Observed: Fishes differ considerably in Genes from environment to environment)

8. Disease

Genetic Defect Found to Cause Severe Epilepsy and Mental Retardation
(Observed: A Gene which ends protein building found. A mutation in this causes mental retardation and epilepsy)

Mechanism Involved in Addictions and Some Forms of Obesity Discovered
(Observed: Addiction route found in Human beings)


Some of ‘The Dead Ends of Nature’ studied in this blog.

Caution: This might be all theory




Work Tuesday (Can Science find the root causes of Earthquakes, Storms, Famines?) [For Africa and India]

September 23, 2012

Work Tuesday (Can Science find the root causes of Earthquakes, Storms, Famines?) [For Africa and India]


Can Science find the root causes of Earthquakes, Storms, Famines?


1. Astrophysics

Laser Hints at How Universe Got Its Magnetism
(Observed: ‘The Origin of Universe’. Can we find it? At what cost? Nuclear Weapons? Lasers?)

One Promising Puzzle Piece for Confirming Dark Matter Now Seems Unlikely Fit
(Observed: Gamma rays studied, the shower of light from Space using ‘Planet Earth’ itself. Might lead us to the quest of Mankind in determining ‘The Beginnin & End of Universe’ and ‘Are there any Life Forms’)

2. Quantum Mechanics

Unravelling The Random Fluctuations Of Nothing
(Observed: Nothing? A theory of Everything. Collapsing Evolution and Mankind to a formula? Is it possible)

New Way To Levitate Objects Discovered
(Observed: Repulsion forces ‘Anti Sticking’ forces much like friction being created. Might take a gigantic effort possibly many extinctions in Nature. Wonder if this experiment worth doing? Although in this article, long-term benefits are a question?)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1937
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1937 was divided equally between Walter Norman Haworth “for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C” and Paul Karrer “for his investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2”.
(Observed: Carbohydrates & Vitamins discovered)

4. Brain

Link Between Depression, Abdominal Obesity Confirmed by New Study
(Observed: Depression leads to obesity, might be due to ‘Life and Work’ balance. Could be due to rise of Asians in this century and ‘The White Man’ trying to find a way out for himself or compete with ‘The Coloured Man’)

Biological Link Between Stress, Anxiety and Depression Identified
(Observed: Past and Future create a disease and Scientist find the chemical pathway. Cause might be satisfaction and future fruits, again ‘Life and Work’ balance)

5. Gene Therapy

Two Genes Are Better Than One: Combination Approach Selectively Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells
(Observed: Two genes involved in cancer found)

New Colorectal Cancer Gene Identified
(Observed: Cancer Genes found)

6. Environment

Scientists Explore Molecular Link Between Arsenic Exposure and Lung Cancer
(Observed: Arsenic exposes Humans to Cancer)

Outstanding for the Past 15 Million Years: Swiss Alps Have Influenced Europe’s Climate Since the Miocene
(Observed: Mountains, how high were they in the past? Water can tell us the answer)

7. Evolution

Subtle Shifts, Not Major Sweeps, Drove Human Evolution
(Observed: Mode of Human Evolution contested from a single gene mutation ‘Vertical along Human Evolution’ as compared to multiple gene mutation ‘Horizontal Mutation in a Single Time Zone’)

Unselfish Molecules May Have Helped Give Birth to the Genetic Material of Life
(Observed: Molecules which are not selfish help create Life, found)

8. Disease

Estrogen Is Responsible for Slow Wound Healing in Women, Study Finds
(Observed: A chemical which is laid back in response of injury of women as compared to men, found)

Specific Gene Linked to Cold Sore Susceptibility, Study Finds
(Observed: Americans develop cold, a gene found)

9. Human Disasters

Nearly 1,000 Earthquakes Recorded in Arizona Over Three Years
(Observed: Earthquake monitoring in Arizona improve)

Landslide Fatalities Are Greater Than Previously Thought
(Observed: Land problems in Nature pinch Humanity)

Two Elusive and Endangered Snow Leopards Are Fitted With Satellite Collars for the First Time in Afghanistan
(Observed: Snow leopards disappearing, tamed by mankind, and now we are trying to bring them back into their natural habitat)

Facing death in Sri Lanka and Thailand
(Observed: Stars and Thailand, a oddysey of Nature)


Origin Of Universe, causes and effects of Natural Disasters and Human Life studied which reveals ‘Root cause of Bad things affecting Humanity’.

Caution: This might be all theory