Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Happiness’?)

December 18, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Happiness’?)


Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Happiness’?)


1. What is Happiness?

More Than 3,000 Epigenetic Switches Control Daily Liver Cycles
(Observed: Scientist say your mind’s happiness lies in 3000 controls or expressions. Perhaps 3000 Infinities are yet to be solved)

2. How will you measure Happiness?

Insulin Plus Growth Factor Inhibitor Limits Vision Damage in Diabetic Mice
(Observed: England and Japan fight out who is going to pocket the money which arises when ‘Idea meets Survival’ and they have a smirck on their face)

3. How will you create Happiness?

Tourette Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders in Children
(Observed: Children find a ‘Black Hole’ in their growth and happiness, succumb to ‘The Will of Death’. ‘The Idea of Van Gogh’ seems to be the problem, one who gave up wealth for his passion)

4. If your Happiness is destroyed, can it be rejuvenated?

Common Drug Reverses Common Effect of Becker Muscular Dystrophy
(Observed: If the Society judges a ‘Particular Individual’ as failed, can the Individual come back ever into the Society?)

5. Can you be Happy forever?

Treating Cocaine Dependence: Promising New Pharmacotherapy
(Observed: Can we find new Infinities in us leading us to permanent happiness?)

6. Can Happiness be compared?

More Than 200 Genes Identified for Crohn’s Disease
(Observed: We need to address ‘How to share wealth among the masses? Some lye in anguish and some shout out in greatness. Some act like they have never eaten, and the others lye to woman ‘I Love You’. How will we ever share Happiness and therefore, can we ever compare ‘Happiness’?)

7. Can Happiness absorb your Sorrow? Others sorrow?

Sexual and Social Behavior Modified by Serotonin System Drugs
(Observed: Seems like Society Women like ‘Forced Sex’ as compared to ‘Consensual Sex’ telling us there is a new villain in the Society which is greater than women’s sadness and fun, perhaps a new ‘Will of a Man or a Woman’)

8. Can Happiness inspire other values? New Life? Death? Waste absorption? Hope?

Progress Reported in Quest to Create Objective Method of Detecting Pain
(Observed: Many years back ‘Steve Jobs’ reinvented ‘Dream of America’. Now an enemy called as ‘1976’ came into America with a ‘New Dream’ inspiring 100 million Americans to find for their truth ‘A New Hope: Sage’)


‘Slate of Happiness’ discovered. More left, but I guess, I will discover in the next blogs.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Death’?)

December 18, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Death’?)


Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Death’?)


1. Evolution (Will: Static)
In Evolution, Death is converted into Life. The idea is to make a ‘Smooth Evolution’ as possible. However, due to chance or longest faith, even Staticness can be shaken once in a while into oblivion or a dot.

New Form of Cell Division Found: Natural Back-Up Mechanism During Faulty Cell Division
(Observed: Scientist try to find the fine line between ‘Life-Spring and Death-Machine’)

2. Environment (Idea: Imagination)
In Environment, you can find Life and hence Color which will help you paint your slate. It leads to wealth to infinity or priceless, which is only contrasted by another priceless wealth.

First Study of New Treatment for Early Stage Bipolar Disorder
(Observed: People with ‘No Will’ and ‘No Survival’ locked in ‘Idea’ need to invent themself to find the will for survival. Seems like Government and Business, of England, seem to be telling their people ‘Innovate or your days are numbered’)

3. Details like Astrophysics, Quantum Mechanics and so on (Survival: Food)
In Details, you will find errors and solutions, which you can play with to find food for yourself. Survival has two boundaries, extinction or perenial existence.

Chances Seen Rising for Chikungunya Outbreaks in NYC, Atlanta, Miami
(Observed: A Predator has a gun and the prey is chicken, seems there is some confusion in America about what to do with them. Looks like America grapples with the idea of ‘How to Express Oneself?’)

4. Diseases (Errors: Waste)
In Diseases, you will find imparity or ‘Sea-Saw’, which you can play with and help you clear waste. Errors can again be on your upturn or downturn.

Dreidel-Like Dislocations Lead to Remarkable Properties
(Observed: Scientist now take their latest wonder to the masses and allow exceptions by having round edges rather than blunt ones)

5. Unknown (Joker: Sacrifice)
In Unknowns, where you can’t categorize anything into the above 4, then you would find Sacrifice and Enigma. In Enigma, don’t forget to share your fun and sadness forever.

New Window On Parkinson’s Disease: Metallic Probe Proves Able to Detect Fibrils from Misfolded Proteins in Real Time
(Observed: Scientist try to devise methods to study ‘Unknowns’. Something like ‘Schrödinger’s Cat’ equation again, once more)


‘Death Slate’ explored.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Chance’?)

December 16, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Chance’?)


Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Chance’?


Drug Used to Treat HIV Might Defuse Deadly Staph Infections
(Observed: Greenpeace hides a ‘Successful Experiment’ conducted by them in ‘TATA Locker: Godrej’ for safekeeping hiding this formula from your neighbors. ‘ A Anti-Spy Life’ available and so is the job)

The HER2 Paradox: HER2-Positive Stem Cells Found in HER2-Negative Breast Cancer
(Observed: Man stealing on ‘Neighbors Milk’ caught, red-handed, Police enjoy in the steal and let off the culprit lightly for a ‘NEW Mission Impossible’. ‘A Bitch’s Life’ available and so is the job)

Colic Treatment? Manipulative Therapies May Be Beneficial Treatment for Infantile Colic
(Observed: Crocodile sea broken, for the men who like the ‘Marathon, all the way’. ‘Emotional Play Life’ available and so is the job)

Chemical ‘Switches’ for Neurodegenerative Diseases Discovered
(Observed: ‘A Dead End’ created for hunters, for the ‘Man with Guts’ in the ‘Hippo Sea’. ‘Great Gambler Life available’ for those who care for nothing, and so is the job)

New Method Helps Target Parkinson’s Disease
(Observed: Scientist try to make a ‘Prostitution Center’ which won’t put them into trouble. 90% of time successful. ‘Julia Robert’s Life in Pretty-Woman’ available and so is the job)

‘Mad Cow’ Blood Test Now On the Horizon
(Observed: Scientist claim ‘Highest Purity of Milk’ to be available at the ‘Lowest Possible Money’. And sometimes it could be free too. Looks like Society is saying to everyone, ‘Old Slates’ have to go through to ‘Survival of Fittest’ so that ‘New Van Gogh’s’ can be created. ‘A Perfectionist Life’ is open and so is the job)

Recreational Cocaine Use Linked to Conditions That Cause Heart Attack
(Observed: Society makes it official ‘Now, Prostitutes can make a Life in Society’. ‘A Lover’s Life’ is open and so is a job)

Rhesus Monkeys Cannot Hear the Beat in Music
(Observed: Christians complain about their ‘Society Sense’ as compared to their ‘Individuality’ as well as the ‘Unknown’. ‘A Detective Life’ is open and so is a job)

New Bulimia Treatment Developed
(Observed: ‘People who fight Society Life’ is available and so is the job)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1970
Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler, Julius Axelrod
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1970 was awarded jointly to Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler and Julius Axelrod “for their discoveries concerning the humoral transmittors in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for their storage, release and inactivation”.
(Observed: ‘What is Life?’ laid, and the job is to ‘Surprise Yourself’)


‘The Journey to Chance’ discovered.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘My Future Egg: How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?)

December 15, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘My Future Egg: How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?)


Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?). We need 20 Billion high quality Burgers every day.


1. Nature

The Next 100 Years Bring New Challenges to Rangeland Science
(Observed: Scientist play ‘Schrodinger’s Cat’ with Farms, now try to play ‘Schrodinger’s Murgi’. Hmm might be an interesting trek)

2. Evolution

Bats Evolved More Than One Way to Drink Nectar
(Observed: Scientist say ‘If you break a man’s future, the past will break too’ and I wonder on)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1963
Sir John Eccles, Alan L. Hodgkin, Andrew F. Huxley
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1963 was awarded jointly to Sir John Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Fielding Huxley “for their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane”.
(Observed: Scientist discovers our will for work)

4. Astrophysics

Searching for the Best Black Hole Recipe
(Observed: Scientist try to find the best ‘Woman Egg’, results to be published when I give up)

5. Quantum Mechanics

‘Time Reversal’ Research May Open Doors to Future Tech
(Observed: Scientist ask the question ‘If I turn the waste around in the opposite direction, would it be still waste for you or perhaps your lunch)

6. Brain

Scientists Identify Molecules in the Ear That Convert Sound Into Brain Signals
(Observed: Scientist find the ‘Will of Sound’ and Dinosaurs, if they were real or just some American dream for a big Ass)

7. Gene Therapy

What Happens to Plant Growth When You Remove Gravity?
(Observed: Mirror Effect described, seems the two sides are not same, once again)

8. Disease

Gene Network Illuminates Stress, Mutation and Adaptation Responses
(Observed: If you box someone, you can find the play of Genes, as Scientist find making a ‘Toshiba Laptop’ for someone)


Scientist discover Egg of ‘My Future Work’ on which I can etch upon my ‘Van Gogh Story’ and someone will pick my book about it in a ‘Crosswords Store’.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: What is Life’?)

December 15, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: What is Life’?)


Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: What is Life’?)


Extending Einstein’s Ideas: New Kind of Quantum Entanglement Demonstrated
(Observed: ‘Movie or Hope’ – Someone escapes again, and Scientist have to create a ‘new experiment’)

New Targets for Drugs to Defeat Aggressive Brain Tumor
(Observed: ‘Monkey or Ignorance’ – Scientist watch the movie ‘The World is Not Enough’)

New Findings On Killer Bacteria’s Defence
(Observed: Machine – ‘Death in the Throat-Serious’ fighting with ‘Death in the Blood’. What now, where is Life?)

Your Christmas Tree and Its Genome Have Remained Very Much the Same Over the Last 100 Million Years
(Observed: ‘Border of Life’- Scientist say ‘You have been dead for the last 100 million years’ and I find the question interesting)

Dolphin Hearing System Component Found in Insects
(Observed: Sacrifice – Dolphins share with Ants, their food)

One in Ten 6 To 8-Year-Olds Has Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Finnish Study Finds
(Observed: ‘Innocence & Cheating’ – Scientist give free ‘Tobler-One’ to kids, and charge their mom’s)

Gazpacho Consumption Associated With Lower Blood Pressure, Study Finds
(Observed: Peace – West learns to cook salads at home instead of burger-binging)

Uncovering a Flaw in Drug Testing for Chronic Anxiety Disorder
(Observed: War – Scientist try to find the best answer the ‘Amitabh-Era Social Frustration of Jobs’)

Thyroid Problems Linked to Irregular Heart Rhythm
(Observed: ‘Man & Machine’ – Europe gets ‘Egg – Infinity’ problems)

Long-Term Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use May Impact Visuospatial Memory
(Observed: ‘Children & Children’ – Children try to graplle with ‘Pure-Fun & Impure-Fun’)

Potential Treatment for Cognitive Effects of Stress-Related Disorders, Including PTSD
(Observed: ‘Children & Old’ – World tries to grapple with the question ‘What’s your price?’)

Popular Pain Relievers May Reduce Risk of Bladder Cancer
(Observed: ‘Women & Man’ – England tries to grapple with ‘Infinity-Waste’ problems)


‘What is Life?’ explored, as Schrödinger did several decades ago. Nothing changes from then and now as I try to find the quest of my Life.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Another Brick in the Wall’?)

December 14, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Another Brick in the Wall’?)


Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Another Brick in the Wall’?).


Finding Could Help Alpha-1 Sufferers Breathe More Easily
(Observed: Europe needs to fix their toilet as they eat towards ‘A New Future: Kamakazis’. SRK ponders how to gather these old eggs, slate them towards ‘Deewar II’)

Study Reveals a Remarkable Symmetry in Black Hole Jets
(Observed: The point of ‘Life and Death’ explored)

12 Matter Particles Suffice in Nature: Limited Number of Fermions in Standard Model, Physicists Say
(Observed: Scientist finally get hold on their penis and promise they will shag ‘Once in 12 days’ and name ‘Each of their shag after each continent in the World’)

Ebola Virus Uses a Protein Decoy to Subvert the Host Immune Response
(Observed: ‘Survival of the Fittest’ develop a hole in them, a virus which kills your survival by keeping a ‘Secret’. Might indicate alternate life forms existing in Universe ‘Aliens’)

Large Study Identifies Risk Factors for Multiple Myeloma
(Observed: Europe deals with ‘Quick Read-To-Eat Food’ problems such as limbs, as it is forced to imbibe America or ‘Individuality’. Ground Structure of Europe affected like farmers, cleaning workers and gardners)

Psychosocial Distress Associated With Increased Stroke Risk
(Observed: America is highly recommended to watch ‘Salman Khan’s: Dabaang’. Gravity which has gone a long way in life, faces anti-gravity problems or what you say is ‘Fundamental Basic Problems of Life and Death’)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969
Max Delbrück, Alfred D. Hershey, Salvador E. Luria
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969 was awarded jointly to Max Delbrück, Alfred D. Hershey and Salvador E. Luria “for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses”.
(Observed: Scientist scare you of ‘Evolved Life Forms’, explain about my expedition to DHL in America)

Vitamin D Can Help Infection-Prone Patients Avoid Respiratory Tract Infection
(Observed: Water problems hamper digestion problems, Sweden finds out now basking in the Sun about it’s ‘Common Sense’)

Key Gene for Brain Development
(Observed: Evolution chain of humans hampered, 1 in 10000 babies develop a small head leading to Schizophernia. Could be an indication of ‘Alien Life Forms’, also, which might threaten the existence of ‘Humans’)

Concussions Affect Children’s Brains Even After Symptoms Subside
(Observed: Cross country looses it’s evolution links among human childrens, might indicate that countries are going local something that of islands for a hidden ‘Secret’, or perhaps ‘Individuality’ rather than ‘Mass Society’)

Short DNA Strands in Genome May Be Key to Understanding Human Cognition and Diseases
(Observed: Scientist go back to the books on ‘Human Genome’, might find some insights on our ‘Perception of Life’ as compared to apes and fish. Spartacus continues his journey in the World undeterred about his ‘Life or Death’)
Ben Hur (Spartacus)


World discovers real life problem of ‘Another Brick in the Wall’. Life, Death, Survival, Individuality, Wisdom and Imagination. Perhaps everything now lies in the young hands of ‘Pursuit of Quality’.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Sketch Fun’?)

December 13, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Sketch Fun’?)


Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Sketch Fun’?


1. Nature

Unique ‘Anonymous Delivery’ Law Effective in Decreasing Rates of Neonaticide in Austria, Study Finds
(Observed: Austria attempts to become a ‘Life and a Nature’ island, which distributes eggs and slate around the world. Template of Europe)

2. Evolution

National Geographic Unveils New Phase of Genographic Project
(Observed: Someone tries it’s hand to evolve me into asking girls out. We’ll start with fresh young new girls and then finally moove on to old ones. Mass guinea pigs from human population invited to experiment the next ‘American attack on Red-Indians’. And then we will finnaly disolve into ‘New Mercedes Egg-Poke’)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962
Francis Crick, James Watson, Maurice Wilkins
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962 was awarded jointly to Francis Harry Compton Crick, James Dewey Watson and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins “for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material”.
(Observed: Scientist tell me I can speak and listen, fetch a Nobel Prize for the same. Btw, even my dog speaks to me sometime, when she is in a good mood and I let her play)

4. Astrophysics

Proteins That Indicate Which Kidney Tumors Are Most Likely to Spread Identified
(Observed: Green Bitches play ‘Hard to catch their Asses’, may provide battleground for future rape in Europe)

5. Quantum Mechanics

Hold the Ice: Chemists Reveal Behavior of Antifreeze Molecules
(Observed: ‘Egg of Innocence’ comes to visit me for the tray to hold her in the arms, fails because of ‘AC Room’ and ‘Poor Tennis Playground’)

6. Brain

MECP2 Duplication Affects Immune System as Well as Brain Development
[Observed: Humanity spreads out its net (Europe) in cats, rats and perhaps birds, toads (Rest of the continents & conutries). And now seeks to packet trade everything like a parrot]

7. Gene Therapy

New Drug Overcomes Resistance in Patients With Rare Sarcoma, Study Suggests
(Observed: Queen of England & King of Japan, invite America for some snacks and then set of a mad race for survival in the World for the Unknown: Quality)

8. Disease

Atherosclerosis Found in HIV Children
(Observed: Pune, my current home town becomes ‘Las Vegas’ whereas Mumbai becomes ‘Los Angeles’. The finance city moves to ‘Bangalore’ and Children to Delhi where ‘Power’ resides, and in turn become bed ridden with HIV)


Sketching discovered that of ‘Humanity’s slate in Nature’.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Quality Slate of Nature: ‘Sleaze’?)

December 13, 2012

Nature  (Quality Slate of Nature: ‘Sleaze’?)


Quality Slate of Nature: ‘Sleaze’?


1. Nature

Higher Carbon Dioxide Levels Mean Poorer Wheat Quality
(Observed: Input is excessive than the processing power of a plant, resulting in poor quality)

2. Evolution

Tracking Gene Flow in Marine Plant Evolution
(Observed: Scientist find how a catterpillar walks around, delight me with ‘Catch Me If You Can’)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1967
Ragnar Granit, Haldan K. Hartline, George Wald
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1967 was awarded jointly to Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline and George Wald “for their discoveries concerning the primary physiological and chemical visual processes in the eye”.
(Observed: Look discovered. Now Science tells us colours are not there, light does not exist nor the shadows. They also discover that rape is allowed in Science on you)

4. Astrophysics

Grains Gang Up to Bear Brunt of Missile and Meteorite Impacts
(Observed: The ants look out for the needle in the haystack for me, find themselves in cow-dung)

5. Quantum Mechanics

Undisturbed Excitation With Pulsed Light
(Observed: Scientist find the difference between ‘+ in the mind, in West’ and ‘* of body, in East’)

6. Brain

Treat Snoring to Avoid Deadly Heart Failure
(Observed: Stress in Life, can harm your breathing, Scientist confirm)

7. Gene Therapy

Scientists Identify Key Biological Mechanism in Multiple Sclerosis
(Observed: If you make ‘Bakra Id’ of someone, and the fish struggles too much like a ‘Double Faced Man’, it might just climb on to you)

8. Disease

Significant Changes in Anti-Epilepsy Treatment Options for Infants
(Observed: Children’s Egg falters due to the stress of ‘Overconfidence of West Machine: They Drive By Night’ and ‘Lack of Emotional Continuity in East: Kal, Aaj aur Kal’ and the base was English Language)


Quality Slate of Nature: ‘Sleaze’ discovered.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Timepass’?)

December 13, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Timepass’?)


Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘Quality Slate: Timepass’?


New Way to Look at Dawn of Life: Focus Shifts from ‘Hardware’ to ‘Software’
(Observed: Scientist pose for the world like I do for my dog, on what next ‘After Life is done, what?’)

Astronomers Discover ‘Missing Link’ of Black Holes
(Observed: Scientist play cards, and pass on someone from one city to another, and wonder ‘Hah’)

Drug That May Help Fight Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Discovered
(Observed: Scientist fondle on me and let me have a ‘Free Lunch’ and ‘I wonder Why, I wonder How’)

Mechanism for the Transformation of Colon Polyps
(Observed: Scientist have a field and wonder how to make a ‘Omlett’ from it, and leave it to a ‘Two bit Nothing, who never did nothing’)

New Study Sheds Light On How Salmonella Spreads in the Body
(Observed: Spartacus released by Italy, and I wonder on ‘What’s up?’)

Toxic Interaction in Neurons That Leads to Dementia and ALS Discovered
(Observed: Scientist prepare a set of monkeys around ‘A Well of Journey, to Mirage’ and wonder perhaps ‘Is it worth, it?’)

Association Between Common Heartburn Drugs and Risk of Pneumonia Questioned
(Observed: Scientist wonder whether I have the blood to be a part in the next experiment ‘Can they mix melange with lilac color to make a new fabric, called Melanoma?’)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968
Robert W. Holley, H. Gobind Khorana, Marshall W. Nirenberg
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968 was awarded jointly to Robert W. Holley, Har Gobind Khorana and Marshall W. Nirenberg “for their interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis”.
(Observed: Scientist learn about the construction industry and put the sheriffs, a monkey and a janitor together for their next play called as ‘Life’)


Overall Scientist wonder in their newplay ‘Timepass: Can you cook Life?’ for the monkeys to become ‘Machines & More’. Quite a story.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Nature (Quality Slates: Society in Transition ‘East with a shadow of West’)

December 11, 2012

Nature  (Quality Slates: Society in Transition ‘East with a shadow of West’)


Nature  (Quality Slates: Society in Transition ‘East with a shadow of West’).


Intensified Chemotherapy Shows Promise for Children With Very High Risk Form of Leukemia
(Observed: Kids run out of Quality of ‘Survival’ and perhaps ‘Trying to become Howard Hughes’. There is plenty of food available, but what then? Wastage? The Quest for Quality? America trying to supplant Germany in the race for cars and perhaps Europe in its ‘Quest for Anomaly’)

Aging Hepatitis C Population Escalates Demand for Liver Transplantation
(Observed: ‘America and World’ moves from ‘Back to the Past’ to ‘Back to the Future’, and a population of old eggs are left uncooked. The Society feels the pinch of ‘Gold Rush’ in it’s ‘Unlooked’ people.  1% Americans affected)

New Evidence for Epigenetic Effects of Diet On Healthy Aging
(Observed: Eating biscuits once in a while might be ok, but everyday might break down your life and string it on a machine to be sewn on a cloth. If you wanna skip this, you might like skipping Oreo and it’s kinds too and look towards ‘Kela and Anda’. Environment seems to be skipped out in this study)

Molecule Critical to Nerve Cells Increases Drammatically During Hypertension
(Observed: After you fish, when you relax in your yatch, you must choose how to cook your steal from Nature and the Quality of Egg thereby produced. American adults, approx 10%, suffer due to overconfidence from their last win of ‘Cold War’)

ADHD Linked to Oxygen Deprivation Before Birth
(Observed: People choosing to ink their past and the future ‘Kal, Aaj aur Kal’ in the slate of ‘Life & Death’, the American Way ‘Dream Pie’, might hit the ‘Steady German’ and ‘Odd Japanese’ machine on the way. 2% of American kids affected which would be taken to task in ‘Germany and Japan’, the ‘Metropolis Movie’ ishtyle)

Circulating Blood Factor Linked With a Leading Cause of Kidney Failure
(Observed: America and Europe struggles to integrate with ‘Mugs used for their fun in sex, gambling and extortion’, a study concludes in bringing out the ‘Darkness of a Man, who tends to give light to others’ to the table)

Kidney Tumors Have a Mind of Their Own
(Observed: A retail company when hides in the viel of ‘Life and Death, company’ produces abnormal ‘Kidney Tumors’ which might be intended by the Society or perhaps be a freak case. In this one, looks like intentional. One must be bold enough to question the Society, and take it to table. I smell a rat in ‘Cheese Pizza’ colony)

Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1966
Peyton Rous, Charles B. Huggins
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1966 was divided equally between Peyton Rous “for his discovery of tumour-inducing viruses” and Charles Brenton Huggins “for his discoveries concerning hormonal treatment of prostatic cancer”.
(Observed: People who like ‘Aamir’ and ‘Deewar’ are congratulated in this Nobel Prize. Slate laid out in West, perhaps, and taken to the masses in a ‘Movie in India’. I mention India perhaps so as to extort a few more dollars from the Society to pay off my bills. In this Nobel Prize, they call particular environments as viruses and a bigger cell. And also when you move into a new place, you might hit something called as a Cancer, in this case ‘Will Cancer’. It also says people have been cooling off for a long time doing Nothing and the environment suddenly overpowers them)


Can capitalists get hold of its waste and negligence of poor and get a touch of ‘True Communism’? Answer in perhaps 20 years from now, true years, not the fast ‘Back to the Future’ type, where you put plutonium in a man and ask him to have sex for a year non-stop. This is more like ‘Lawrence of Arabia’. ‘Angry young Man of India: AB’ meets another ‘Smart Man of India: SRK’ in the new movie ‘Crow Shit’.

The Chinese Chopsuey with Italian Cheese, under an American tag ‘Cheese Mash Chopsuey’.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same