Posts Tagged ‘Sun’

Work Tuesday (Can Science describe ‘The process of finding Unknowns’?)

September 17, 2012

Work Tuesday (Can Science describe ‘The process of finding Unknowns’?)


Can Science define the process of finding ‘Unknowns’ in Nature and Life?


1. Astrophysics

Japanese Spacecraft to Search for Clues of Earth’s First Life
(Apriori: Japan tries to wrestle with ‘Origin of Life’ on Earth with Hayabusa and a asteroid)

Sun’s Almost Perfectly Round Shape Baffles Scientists
(Observed: Sun is round and Scientist wonder)

2. Quantum Mechanics

Best Yet Test of Lorentz Invariance
(Observed & Apriori: Scientist hunt for difference and new things with Lorentz and Albert Einstein)

Tantalizing Clues as to Why Matter Prevails in the Universe: Surprisingly Large Matter/Antimatter Asymmetry Discovered
(Observed: Scientist wrestle with ‘Origin of Universe’ )

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1923
Fritz Pregl
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1923 was awarded to Fritz Pregl “for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances”.
(Observed: Analysis of Organic Substances revealed)

4. Brain

63 Percent Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Suffer Psychiatric Disorders, With Depressive Spectrum Conditions Most Likely
(Observed: Arthritis cooks up another disease in it: Psychiatric Disorder)

Depression Linked to Altered Activity of Circadian Rhythm Gene
(Observed: Clock Gene strikes and causes Depression in us)

5. Gene Therapy

Protein Delivered Via Genetically Engineered Virus Slowed Glioblasoma Multiforme Growth
(Observed: Brain Cancer solution attempted)

Combination Of Gene Therapy And Gene Silencing Prevents Neurodegenerative Disease
(Observed: Neurodegenerative Disease attempted to be solved with Gene silencing)

6. Environment

Droughts Are Pushing Trees to the Limit
(Observed: Water dissapears in SouthWest America causing havoc in trees)

At Least 200,000 Tons of Oil and Gas from Deepwater Horizon Spill Consumed by Gulf Bacteria
(Observed: Oil Spill by Human consumed by Bacteria deplete oxygen)

7. Evolution

Discovery of Jumping Gene Cluster Tangles Tree of Life
(Observed: Gene Jump from one species to another)

Lost Civilization Under Persian Gulf?
(Observed: A New Human Race, lost sometime back in the pages of World History)

8. Disease

TLR1 Protein Drives Immune Response to Certain Food-Borne Illness in Mice
(Observed: Pork eating or contaminated water can harm and a protein comes to rescue in Mice)

Molecule That Could Treat Inflammation Discovered
(Observed: A Molecule identified that works on the thin line between ‘Health & Disease’)


The Process & Instruments of finding ‘Unknowns’ in Nature described in this blog.

Caution: This might be all theory

Science (Can Science define ‘Sadness’ for us in Nature?)

September 2, 2012

Science (Can Science define ‘Sadness’ for us in Nature?)


Can Science show us the way to diseases in Humans, unfathomable questions in Nature and other sadness creating things?


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

New light shed on explosive solar activity
(Observed: Nature gets angry and throws up unexpected things in Space)

Proximity of new planets stuns even astronomers
(Observed: Two planets found rotating around each other)

Astronomers discover faintest distant galaxy
(Observed: A faraway planet found, earliest in Universe)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

Physicists Offer New Approach To Studying Antimatter
(Apriori: A New Light to things which can destroy us)

NIST Physicists Coax Six Atoms Into Quantum ‘Cat’ State
(Apriori: Science arranges six atoms together, and they can do multiple task at the same time, raising computation to new levels)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908
Ernest Rutherford

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908 was awarded to Ernest Rutherford “for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances”.
(Apriori: Substances which just wont stop & create almost endless energy )

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine)

Alzheimer plaques in 3D
(Apriori: Science finds a new approach to cure Head problems, like Alzheimer)

Between ear and brain, an orderly orchestra of synapses
(Observed: The magic dance of ear and brain explained)

Of Mice and Men: Characterization of a new autism gene
(Autism: Gene at a crossroad falter creating Autism problems)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Hopkins Gene Therapy Trial Is First To Activate Entire Human Immune System Against Prostate Cancer
(Observed: A New therapy for Cancer)

6. Environment (Present Nature)

Rapid Coral Death by a Deadly Chain Reaction
(Observed: Corals go missing in oceans under the weight of Humans)

7. Evolution (Past Nature)

A Boy For Every Girl? Not Even Close: Scientists Trace Evolution Of Butterflies Infected With Deadly Bacteria
(Observed: Butterflies made to switch sex preference by a disease)

8. Diseases (Problems in Nature)

Identifying Molecular Targets for Diabetes-Related Erectile Dysfunction
(Observed: Men diabetic, might have erectile problems too)


Sadness observed in Nature, humans and other things in Universe.

Caution: This might be all theory


August 28, 2012


Time Time

The common
man pushin

The Royal
King with
his leash

The mosquito
for a

And the
neighbour for
a leg in

The colour
of your

From brown
to black

And then
to white

No Sun

The man

Out comes
a new

They call
it the

Survival of

Has a
new name

Called ‘Achamba’

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (Can Science find the clue to ‘Flexibility in Life’?)

August 27, 2012

Science Today (Can Science find the clue to ‘Flexibility in Life’?)


What is Flexibility? Is it adaptability, survival, compromise, thriving or something like grass which bends in the face of storm and survives over ages as compared to a tree.


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

Galaxies Get Up Close and Personal: Collisions in Young Galaxy Cluster
(Observed: How massive clusters of stars merge with each other to form a new big one?)

Plenty of Dark Matter Near the Sun
(Observed: Two opposite things come to each other, Sun and Darkness)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

Daya Bay: Discovery of New Kind of Neutrino Transformation
(Observed and Apriori: Neutrinos disappear for a while, reason unknown. Experiments might explain our quest for ‘Holy Grail’, why we are here in Universe)

Big Bang Theory Challenged by Big Chill
(Observed: Another look at the beginning of Universe)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902
Emil Fischer

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902 was awarded to Emil Fischer “in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses”.
(Observed: Sugar, Sugar, Sugar and more Sugar, your way)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Blocking Destruction of Defective Proteins Unexpectedly Delays Neurodegeneration in Mice
(Observed: Chance comes into play in a cell with a lot of waste, repairing stuff and curing diseases)

Good News: Migraines Hurt Your Head but Not Your Brain
(Observed: Migraine fly to your head, but give the brain a skip)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Gene Therapy Breakthrough Heralds Treatment for Beta-Thalassemia
(Observed: Gene Therapy cures an element which causes problems in blood)

Advances in Delivery of Therapeutic Genes to Treat Brain Tumors
(Observed: Science, symbolizing DHL, improvise on solving brain diseases)

6. Environment (Present Nature)

Research Shows Children at Risk from Rural Water Supplies
(Observed: Water from private vendors in UK turns bad, hurts children with diseases)

World’s Sea Life Is ‘Facing Major Shock’, Marine Scientists Warn
(Observed: Marine Life, at threat. Do you know to swim?, Finland calling, oops, I mean Fishes calling)

7. Evolution (Past Nature)

Bird Louse Study Shows How Evolution Sometimes Repeats Itself
(Observed: Lice are different and a bit of strange too)

Bats Evolved More Than One Way to Drink Nectar
(Observed: Bats become different, feed on a lot of variety other than insects)

8. Diseases (Problems in Nature)

Targeted Oxidation-Blocker Prevents Secondary Damage After Traumatic Brain Injury, Study Suggests
(Observed: Many Injuries, one protein affected to multiply into different chaotic forms, in Americans)

Possible Cause of Immune Deficiency Cases in Asia
(Observed: Antibodies fight among themselves to cure a disease, which seems to be related to TB)

9. Mathematics (Expanse of Nature)



Flexibility studied in Nature, Humans and Diseases.

Caution: This might be all theory





August 27, 2012


The fun
is in
up n

You ride
a single

Money takin
you to
the top
of mountain

And then
the fall
into eternity

Breaks your
bones &
blood on
the floor

Nor the

The energy
all gone

You a
on the

The watch
movin it’s

And you
walk into
the shade

The tree
drops an
apple occasionally

You breathe
a tooth

And the
fruit is
all gone

The stick
of the

And you
move on

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (Can Science find “Zero” in Nature?)

August 15, 2012

Science Today (Can Science find “Zero” in Nature?)


What is Zero or Nothing? Can Science find it for us in Nature?


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

A Blue Whirlpool in the River: Tranquil Galaxy Home to Violent Events
(Observed: Almost Zero and some burst: A part of Universe which almost lies unnoticed gets angry twice creating whirlpool like events)

New Light Shed On Explosive Solar Activity
(Observed: Almost Infinity like Events: Active Flares seen in Sun)

Giant Galaxy-Packed Filament Revealed
(Observed: Zero or Infinity: Scientist wonder about the amazing mesh of stars developing far away)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

Elusive Quasiparticles Realized: Repulsive Polarons in an Ultracold Quantum Gas
(Apriori: A State of ‘-1’ realized: Repulsive Polarons found)

First Bose-Einstein Condensate of Erbium: Quantum Condensate of the Thirteenth Kind
(Apriori: A State of ‘+1’ found: Particles loose their independent behavior and become 1)

Unearthing a New Quantum State of Matter: Quantum Physics Discoveries Could Change Face of Technology
(Apriori & Observed: A different state observed in Liquid, Possibility of +1: Scientist observe a new state of matter, can be called phantom or monaco)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007
Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans, Oliver Smithies
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007 was awarded jointly to Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies “for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells”.
(Apriori: Stem Cells Therapy comes to the fore, solving diseases)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Three Continents, One Gene: DNA Detectives Track Down Nerve Disorder Cause
(Observed: Zero Possibility : Nerve Disorder or lack of communication in brain found, cause unknown)

New Drug Target for Schizophrenia Identified
(Observed: Catch 22 observed: Schizophernia treated, finds a new enemy)

‘Harmless’ Condition Shown to Alter Brain Function in Elderly
(Observed: Zero Possibility: Unknown patches in brain formed in elders, causes language processing problems)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Children With Rare, Incurable Brain Disease Improve After Gene Therapy
(Observed: Zero Possibility, back to back: A disease which makes a child sleep forever, cause unknown, being solved)

Gene Therapy Can Correct Forms of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Study Suggests
(Observed: 0 Possibility: Mutations in several genes causes an absent gene which results in immune defense problem)

6. Environment

Back-To-Back La Niñas Cooled Globe and Influenced Extreme Weather in 2011
(Observed: 0 Possibility: Environment deteriorates across the Globe with odd climate behaviour)

Copper from Car Brakes and Mining Is Making Salmon Prone to Predators
(Observed: 0 Possibility: Pollution strikes fish Salmon, Predators enjoy)

Marine Research in the Brazilian Rain Forest: Slash and Burn Practice for Centuries as Source of Stable Carbon Compounds in the Oceans
(Observed: 0 Possibility: Forest gone in South America, leaves pollution in oceans)

7. Evolution (Past Nature)

Shark Teeth Help Scientists Uncover Predator’s History
(Observed: 1 Possibility: Sharks reveal their success)

Uranium-Series Dating Reveals Iberian Paintings Are Europe’s Oldest Cave Art
(Observed: 1 Possibility: Paintings discovered in Europe, from a long time back, much older than African one’s)

The Fin Whale, Under More Threat in the Mediterranean Than Thought
(Observed: 0 Possibility: A whale disappearing, soon)

Evolutionary Surprise: Developmental ‘Scaffold’ for Vertebrate Brain Found in Brainless Marine Worm
(Observed: 0 and 1 Possibility: Where did our brains come from?)

8. Diseases (Problems in Nature)

Modification of Tumor Suppressor Affects Sensitivity to Potential GBM Treatment
(Observed: Zero Possibility: A brain disease which gets further complicated to solve)

Depression Linked With Increased Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease
(Observed: Zero Possibility: Depression might have led to disease, causing impairment in legs)

9. Mathematics (Expanse of Nature)



Zero in Nature, humans discovered. Also the path of Zero from Infinity found.

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (The Study of Diabetes?)

July 31, 2012

Science Today (The Study of Diabetes?)

Can Science explain Diabetes to us?


1. Diabetes (Genetic, Poor Lifestyle and Eating Habits):
Type 2 Diabetes, Cured by Weight Loss Surgery, Returns in One-Fifth of Patients
(If you have type 2 diabetes, you might need to cure it much earlier)

Diabetes Susceptibility Gene Identified: Tomosyn-2 Regulates Insulin Secretion
(A New Potential Gene found to cause Diabetes)

‘Jack Spratt’ Diabetes Gene Identified
(A Type 2 Diabetes disease behaves strangely and confuses us)

Statin Use in Postmenopausal Women Associated With Increased Diabetes Risk
(Women using statin get affected by Diabetes)

Six New Genetic Variants Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Discovered in South Asians
(New Diabetes problems now)

Insulin Signaling Is Distorted in Pancreases of Type 2 Diabetics
(Something distorted insulin signaling resulting in Diabetes)

2. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

Sombrero Galaxy Has Split Personality
(A cluster of stars with two faces)

How Ancient Viruses Became Genomic ‘Superspreaders’
(Ancient viruses refuse Quantity and focus on Quality instead)

Serious Blow to Dark Matter Theories? New Study Finds Mysterious Lack of Dark Matter in Sun’s Neighborhood
(Dark matter fails to show up in Universe around Sun)

A Toxic Menu: Marine Worm Feeds On Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Sulphide With the Help of Symbiotic Bacteria
(Two living beings team up and avoid starvation in dangerous environments)

3. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

‘Squeezed’ Quantum Vacuum Filled With Atoms
(A New Vacuum, Quantum Style)

4. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1992
Edmond H. Fischer, Edwin G. Krebs

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1992 was awarded jointly to Edmond H. Fischer and Edwin G. Krebs “for their discoveries concerning reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanism”
(Energy Creation is Reversible as demonstrated above)

5. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Adult Stem Cells from Bone Marrow: Cell Replacement/Tissue Repair Potential in Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Animal Model
(One type of cell, many functions inside human possible)

6. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Researchers Suspect Novel Gene Is Causing Restless Legs Syndrome In A Large Family
(People get restless but only in legs)

7. Environment:

Pollution Can Make Citizens, Both Rich and Poor, Go Green
(Pollution affects everyone)

Dying of Cold: Hypothermia in Trauma Victims
(Ambulance care being regulated in France)

One in Five Streams Damaged by Mine Pollution in Southern West Virginia
(Substantial Damage by Mine Pollution affects rivers)

8. Evolution:

Neutrons Explain How Haemoglobin Evolution in Red Blood Cells Helped the Duck-Billed Platypus Respire
(How Ducks Adapted?)

Later Stone Age Got Earlier Start in South Africa Than Thought
(An African Tribe make an earlier start to evolution)

9. Mathematics:
Greed Function

A lot of Diabetes situations studied in Nature and us, possible clues from far and near “Mother Nature” to help us cure it.

Caution: This might be all theory

What is Life?

July 22, 2012

What is Life?

Everyone needs
a break

That’s where
the fall

In the

As the
day begins

From the

To the
man in

They all
waitin for
a hunt

A swipe
of the

And the
magic begins

You taken
to the
big wheel

And to
the dive
in pool

The food
in the

To excite
your spirit

The night
brings in

Struggle and
the fights

You all

Wonder “What
is Life”

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (Can Diseases be Good?)

July 18, 2012

Science Today (Can Diseases be Good?)

A lot of time, we might think diseases as bad, but disease is also life which might try to kill the bad life in us. This might sound counter-intuitive at first but if we look at overall view, diseases might be better adept at living as compared to us (and we might be the exploiters against them). Can “Diseases” be good?


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

Catching Solar Particles Infiltrating Earth’s Atmosphere
(Sun throws up a tantrum and we accept it in Earth: Can we call Sun bad?)

Free-Floating Planets in the Milky Way Outnumber Stars by Factors of Thousands: Life-Bearing Planets May Exist in Vast Numbers
(Life elsewhere in Universe, signifying “Survival of Fittest” with humans. Can we call “Alien Life” bad?)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

World’s Most Difficult Chemical Experiment: The Struggle to Discover the Secret of Super-Heavy Elements
(What happens inside super heavy elements? Nature in Super-Heavy Elements play “Hide in Seek” with us, signifying Nature is yet to reveal us its true identity. Can we call Nature bad?)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978
Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Hamilton O. Smith

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978 was awarded jointly to Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans and Hamilton O. Smith “for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics”.
(Scientist discover knifes which can cut the most basic foundation of living beings to find the clue to Life and more)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Zebrafish Reveal Promising Process for Healing Spinal Cord Injury
(Injury can be healed by shape now but in fishes. Zebrafish shows amazing tenacity as compared to Humans.)

Pediatric Brain Tumors Traced to Brain Stem Cells
(Brain behaves unusual, one part of it works and the other fails, when a gene shuts off)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Genetic Causes Identified for Disturbances in Lipid Metabolism; Implications for Diabetes
(Diabetes on the way out, helped by Scientist)

Researchers Continue ‘Extraordinary Measures’ to Tackle Pompe Disease
(Scientist on the hunt of a villain which removes fast energy, a disease which will do anything to kill)

6. Evolution

IUDs, Implants Most Effective Birth Control, Study Suggests
(America gets to task on unintended pregnancies, which is caused by lack of money and probably an expensive scientific technique which is yet to get mainstream)

Gourmet Butterflies Speed North
(Butterflies expand in England by “Survival of Fittest” against other species)

7. Diseases

Potential Cause of HIV-Associated Dementia Revealed
(HIV virus gets active in the brain pairing with other diseases like Dementia to kill its enemy ‘Humans’, which signifies “Our Enemy can form better relationships than us”, a quality which we humans seem lacking)

As we see above, there are many diseases, fish and animals which are thriving against humans in a common Nature exemplifying “Better Survival of Fittest” skills against us and hence we should be cautious about calling them bad. They are better adept in a diminishing Nature. It might be a good idea trying to develop a symbiotic relationships with most living beings for further growth in Nature and us.

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (What is the quest of Science?)

June 22, 2012

Science Today (What is the quest of Science?)

Does Science itself has a quest which it is leading us to?  “Is there a will of science present irrespective of experimenter?”, studied in this blog.


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

Scientists Discover an ‘Instant Cosmic Classic’ Supernova
(When a new phenomena happens anywhere in the Universe, Scientist get clues as to how to capture it as quickly as possible)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

New Driving Force for Chemical Reactions
(Fast energy comes fore in chemical reactions, and reveals about “How Energy can be produced at cryogenic levels at ordinary environmental conditions”)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1943
Henrik Dam, Edward A. Doisy
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1943 was divided equally between Henrik Carl Peter Dam “for his discovery of vitamin K” and Edward Adelbert Doisy “for his discovery of the chemical nature of vitamin K”.
(Wound healing prohibited by deficiency of Vitamin K)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Newly Discovered Protein Makes Sure Brain Development Isn’t ‘Botched’
(Master protein discovered which plays regulatory role in development most of the proteins)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Restoring Silenced Suppressor Gene Kills Lung-Cancer Cells
(A New Gene discovered in Lung which can cure most cancers)

6. Mathematics

Continuous & Discontinuous Function:
(How life and death are related to each other in Universe?)


As seen above, Science is on the quest to find extremities in us and Nature, making it a stable and secure World for everyone.

Caution: This might be all theory