Posts Tagged ‘Nuclear Energy’

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: Nuclear Waste?)

October 29, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: Nuclear Waste?)


Can Science solve problems of Nature: Nuclear Waste?


1. Nature

Triclosan — Harmful to Ecological Status of Rivers — Needs to Be Monitored, Researchers Say
(Observed: ‘Erin Brokovich’ still haunts European rivers, might need a boost)

Elevated Formaldehyde Levels Found in Day Care Centers
(Observed: ‘American Tree’ gets yet another jolt, creaks in ‘Day Care Centers’)

2. Evolution

Endangered Horse Has Ancient Origins and High Genetic Diversity, New Study Finds
(Observed: A Horse which is very different, found)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999
Ahmed Zewail
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999 was awarded to Ahmed Zewail “for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy”.
(Observed: How our eyes steel light from the Sun? through our eyes, explained)

4. Astrophysics

Monster Galaxy May Have Been Stirred Up by Black-Hole Mischief
(Observed: ‘Black Holes’ cook up a unique recipe, a Puff)

5. Quantum Mechanics

CERN Sets Course for Extra-Low-Energy Antiprotons
(Observed: CERN advances for an Proton Antiparticle, with the help of a new particle decelator. Such particles have a lot of holes in them, which can absorb a lot of parking places like us)

6. Brain

New ‘Chemical Pathway’ in the Brain for Stress: Breakthrough Offers Hope for Targeted Treatment of Stress-Related Disorders
(Observed: A chemical, might be a precursor to Serotin, gives a boost to stress)

7. Gene Therapy

Genetic Predictors of Fatigue for Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy
(Observed: Cancer Patients get into further trouble with a gene that turns abnormal and produces more variants)

8. Disease

Certain Colors More Likely To Cause Epileptic Fits, Researchers Find
(Observed: Chaos in Brain good, epileptic ones cause)


Nuclear Reactions and some of its waste, in us and Nature studied. Also, ‘Back to the Past’ and ‘Back to the Future’ studied in Nature and more.

Caution: This might be all theory

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: Nuclear Waste?)

October 29, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: Nuclear Waste?)


Can Science solve problems of Nature: Nuclear Waste?


Mechanism Found for Destruction of Key Allergy-Inducing Complexes, Researchers Say
(Observed: A Complex which causes Allergy found, Scientist looking at the ‘Holy Grail’ of Medicine for it)

Drop in Testosterone Tied to Prostate Cancer Recurrence
(Observed: Prostate Cancer, tied to Testosterone driving in either way, either in lower concentrations or higher)

Inherited Brain Activity Predicts Childhood Risk for Anxiety, Research Finds
(Observed: Uneccessary Brain Activity in a particular region found in children)

Changes in Sleep Architecture Increase Hunger, Eating
(Observed: Sleep Quality, studied)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000
Alan Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 was awarded jointly to Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa “for the discovery and development of conductive polymers”.
(Observed: Now plastics conduct electricity, some of them which are doped with electrons)


Nuclear Reactions and some of its waste, in us and Nature studied.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied to talented & poor people

Work Tuesday (Can Science find the ‘Roots of Nature, Humans, Diseases and so on’?)

September 13, 2012

Work Tuesday (Can Science find the ‘Roots of Nature, Humans, Diseases and so on’?)


Can Science find the ‘Roots of Nature, Humans, Diseases and so on’? What are the underlying structures, the very basics?


1. Astrophysics

Bonanza of Black Holes, Hot DOGs: NASA’s WISE Survey Uncovers Millions of Black Holes
(Observed: Black Holes come out in a frenzy and give a ‘Rambo Circus’ exhibition to us)

Four White Dwarf Stars Caught in the Act of Consuming ‘Earth-Like’ Exoplanets
(Observed: Telescope Police catch ‘White Dwarfs’)

2. Quantum Mechanics

Understanding Hot Nuclear Matter That Permeated the Early Universe
(Observed: String Theory and Other Cool Physics Stuff, which we yearn like a ‘A New Beautiful Girl with Pink Satin’ explored in hot nuclear matter at our nearest coffee store ‘RHC, LHC & 106 Satyam Shivam’)

The ‘Molecular Octopus’: A Little Brother of ‘Schroedinger’s Cat’
(Observed: Now you can get ‘The Twin Towers of America’ back, and it might still not be there at the same time if you have a beard)

3. Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1921
Frederick Soddy
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1921 was awarded to Frederick Soddy “for his contributions to our knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances, and his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes”.
(Observed:  Different weights, same charges elements defined known as radioactive isotopes)

4. Brain

Discovery May Lead to Safer Treatments for Asthma, Allergies and Arthritis
(Observed: A central protein which does the job of energy control as well as sleep)

Secrets of the ‘Sleep Hormone’: Discovery Leads to Novel Melatonin Drug With Potential to Treat Insomnia
(Observed: A Hormone which makes you sleep, discovered)

5. Gene Therapy

Genetic On-Off Switch Found At Purdue
(Observed: A Switch which switches Genes at various levels created)

Short Stature: Both A Specific Gene, And Its Abnormal Regulation, Can Trigger The Condition
(Observed: Now height of people controlled by Gene)

6. Environment

Skeleton Key: Diverse Complex Networks Have Similar Skeletons
(Observed: All networks have same basic structure)

Richer Parasite Diversity Helps Protect Frogs from Viruses That Cause Malformed Limbs
(Observed: If there is a increase in diversity of diseases, the diseases are less effective)

7. Evolution

Environmental Factors Limit Species Diversity, Lizard Study Finds
(Observed: Thoery on ‘Diversity of Species’  contended by Scientist, sometimes they just tend to fly depending on available resources)

Giant Sperm Whale from the Miocene Period Discovered in Peru
(Observed: Whales with bigger teeth found, dissapear long time back)

8. Disease

New Genetic Subtype of Lung Cancer Defined
(Observed: A New type of Gene causing dangerous ‘Lung Cancer’)

Cutting Off the Oxygen Supply to Serious Diseases
(Observed: Cancer develops on Oxygen Supply)


Roots of Materials, Humans, Other Life Forms and Diseases studied in this blog.

Caution: This might be all theory

Science (Can Science define ‘Sadness’ for us in Nature?)

September 2, 2012

Science (Can Science define ‘Sadness’ for us in Nature?)


Can Science show us the way to diseases in Humans, unfathomable questions in Nature and other sadness creating things?


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

New light shed on explosive solar activity
(Observed: Nature gets angry and throws up unexpected things in Space)

Proximity of new planets stuns even astronomers
(Observed: Two planets found rotating around each other)

Astronomers discover faintest distant galaxy
(Observed: A faraway planet found, earliest in Universe)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

Physicists Offer New Approach To Studying Antimatter
(Apriori: A New Light to things which can destroy us)

NIST Physicists Coax Six Atoms Into Quantum ‘Cat’ State
(Apriori: Science arranges six atoms together, and they can do multiple task at the same time, raising computation to new levels)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908
Ernest Rutherford

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908 was awarded to Ernest Rutherford “for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances”.
(Apriori: Substances which just wont stop & create almost endless energy )

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine)

Alzheimer plaques in 3D
(Apriori: Science finds a new approach to cure Head problems, like Alzheimer)

Between ear and brain, an orderly orchestra of synapses
(Observed: The magic dance of ear and brain explained)

Of Mice and Men: Characterization of a new autism gene
(Autism: Gene at a crossroad falter creating Autism problems)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Hopkins Gene Therapy Trial Is First To Activate Entire Human Immune System Against Prostate Cancer
(Observed: A New therapy for Cancer)

6. Environment (Present Nature)

Rapid Coral Death by a Deadly Chain Reaction
(Observed: Corals go missing in oceans under the weight of Humans)

7. Evolution (Past Nature)

A Boy For Every Girl? Not Even Close: Scientists Trace Evolution Of Butterflies Infected With Deadly Bacteria
(Observed: Butterflies made to switch sex preference by a disease)

8. Diseases (Problems in Nature)

Identifying Molecular Targets for Diabetes-Related Erectile Dysfunction
(Observed: Men diabetic, might have erectile problems too)


Sadness observed in Nature, humans and other things in Universe.

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (Can Science tell us more about ‘Nuclear Energy’?)

August 6, 2012

Science Today (Can Science tell us more about ‘Nuclear Energy’?)


What is ‘Nuclear Energy’? Can Science tell us more about its science, technology and its uses?


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

‘Trophy Molecule’ Breakthrough May Result in Cleaner, Cooler Nuclear Energy
(Waste removal in ‘Nuclear Energy’ now possible)

Wildlife Thriving After Nuclear Disaster? Radiation from Chernobyl and Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Not as Harmful to Wildlife as Feared
(Nature heals after Nuclear Accidents)

Nuclear Waste Requires Cradle-To-Grave Strategy, Study Finds
Nuclear Waste
(‘Nuclear Waste’ strategy)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

Physicists Chip Away at Mystery of Antimatter Imbalance
(Why there is ‘Us’ and ‘Not us’?)

Secrets of Tunneling Through Energy Barriers: How Massless Electrons Tunnel Through Energy Barriers in a Carbon Sheet Called Graphene
(Quantum Mechanics experiment)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1996
Peter C. Doherty, Rolf M. Zinkernagel

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1996 was awarded jointly to Peter C. Doherty and Rolf M. Zinkernagel “for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence”
(Immune Defence described)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Regulation of Telomerase in Stem Cells and Cancer Cells
(Chromosome find disease in their end)

Toxins Produced by Algae Lead to Deviant Behaviour and Changes in Brain Activity in Salmon
(Chemicals lead to odd behavior in Fish Salmon)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Genetic Pathways Involved in Breast Cancer Identified
(Route to Breast Cancer identified)

6. Environment

Martian Polygons and Deep-Sea Polygons On Earth: More Evidence for Ancient Martian Oceans?
(Water evidence at Mars)

7. Evolution

Cell Research: Enzyme Questions Important Principle of Evolution
(A Enzyme attempts to defy Economical Evolution)

How Sticky Toepads Evolved in Geckos and What That Means for Adhesive Technologies
(Fevicol studied in Geckos)

Unexpected Variation in Immune Genes Poses Difficulties for Transplantation
(Variation in immune defence leads to problems)

8. Diseases

Infants Exposed to Specific Molds Have Higher Asthma Risk
(Asthma spreads)

Phthalates in PVC Floors Taken Up by the Body in Infants
(Chemicals cause problems in Infants)

9. Definition:
Nuclear Technology


Nuclear Energy some of the probable effects in Nature and humans, studied in this blog.

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (Can Science show the path of ‘Evolution of Life’ to us?)

July 29, 2012

Science Today (Can Science show the path of ‘Evolution of Life’ to us?)


Can we study Evolution in Life and Nature?


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

Growing Up Supermassive: A Black Hole’s Diet of Stars
(Black Holes seen eating binary pair of stars: only one and the other is flung far away into the far Universe)

Understanding Hot Nuclear Matter That Permeated the Early Universe
(A New facility to study states of matter at lower energy scale)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

Nano Funnel Used to Generate Extreme Ultraviolet Light Pulses
(Electrons can be measured with much more specific precision)

A Roll of the Dice: Quantum Mechanics Researchers Show That Nature Is Unpredictable
(Einstein revisited)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1990
Joseph E. Murray, E. Donnall Thomas

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1990 was awarded jointly to Joseph E. Murray and E. Donnall Thomas “for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease”
(Organ Transplant discovered, surgically and non surgically)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Genetic Link to Rapid Weight Gain from Antipsychotics Discovered
(A Gene which gets affected by drugs for brain, resulting in heart disease and diabetes)

Stress Fuels Breast Cancer Metastasis to Bone
(If you are under depression, cancer comes home to the bone)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Discovery Of New Retinal Gene Involved In Childhood Blindness
(A Gene which mutates causes two types of childhood blindness)

Skin Cancer: Designer Molecule Tackles Malignant Cells By Two Completely Different Routes
(Skin Cancer being solved)

Newly Discovered Mechanism Can Explain Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
(A disease which silences several genes causing tumours)

6. Evolution

Woolly Mammoth Extinction Has Lessons for Modern Climate Change
(Extinction revisited again)

Untangling Knots, Slipknots in Species Separated by a Billion Years of Evolution
(More Knots in Evolution)

A New Amish Community Is Founded Every Three-And-A-Half Weeks in US, Experts Estimate
(A new Amish community in America)

7. Environment

World’s Greatest Plant Diversity for the Paleogene: Over a Hundred Different Plant Species Recorded at the Messel Fossil Site
(New Plants at Messel discovered from fossils)

Turbulences at a Standstill
(Chaos and Game Theory studied)

8. Diseases

Protein Discovery Links to Cancer Research
(A Smarter protein which works indirectly on the kids rather than the queen bee of proteins or DNA’s)

Men With Prostate Cancer More Likely to Die from Other Causes
(How health lifestyle can improve cancer)

9. Mathematics

History of Mathematics
(Can Evolution be studied from “Evolution of Mathematics”? It looks more like a bird in her nest)

Boys’ Impulsiveness May Result in Better Math Ability
(Number Ability in girls and boys, studied)


Evolution studied above demonstrates life in Nature and beyond much in the future and Space: Turbulence or Game Theory, ‘Evolution of Mathematics’ to study Mathematics, New Life, Einstein revisited and many more things.

Caution: This might be all theory




Energy Problem of World

February 20, 2012

Energy Problem of the World

This blog attempts to summarize the “Energy Problem we are facing in the World”. Our Earth consumes energy enough to send energy waves up to 10^18 light years (The Current End of our Universe, if one considers Energy as the parameter to measure) creating ripples across the Universe.

Energy Consumption of the World

The Energy usage in our World is as follows:
1. 40% in War (World War I, World War II, Cold War), Over Production & Wastage
2. 20% for Philosophy, Art, Science
3. 40% for Daily World Life

Where does it come from?

1. Oil, Other Natural Resources: 40% (Muslim Countries and Russia, It’s usage harms Nature the Most)
2. Nuclear, Solar and Other Clean Inventions: 55% (Europe & America) (It’s usage harms less as compared to Natural Resources, but risk remains for its stability)
3. New Energy: 5 % (Innovation across the World, It is yet to proven, very efficient, high risk)

Our World’s Population at 7 billion is soon exasperating all our ‘Natural Resources‘ and hence our only option is  ‘New Energy Initiative‘.

Caution: This is all theory

Society – I

April 23, 2011

What is a Society?

Here we look at what is a Society and what do we require to form a Society? I thought the order of these points to be reverse in the sequence: Survival, Peace, Talent. However I realized if you look at history, this is a fallacy. To solve the problem of Survival, one needs peace. To solve the problem of survival & peace, one needs Talent. So the order of events which are necessary to form a Society is: Talent, Peace, Survival. Let us explore below why is it so?

Art, Talent, Craft

Art, Talent and Craft brings about Quality in the World. From inventions like Steam Engine, Nuclear Energy, Computers – all have been creation due to art and talent. Talent and Art brings about happiness and material wealth, beyond the resources created by us so far. It fires up the imagination, releases the mankind of his daily mundane chores and brings sparks of happiness to humankind (Peace and Survival).

Peace, No War

Humanity should have the sense to choose peace over war. Once talent is given a free rein, one can bring peace into the World over war. If talent is obstructed, it tends to bring destruction causing pain and loss. Peace also tends to increase the odds of survival of mankind.

Survival. Food for everyone

The test of civilization is mutual co-operation and sacrifice – Jawaharlal Nehru. Only if Talent & Peace are given a chance, one would ensure everyone survives in the World.  It would also allow Food, Clothes & Home for Everyone to live and flourish. This will help establishing mutual co-operation & sacrifice and hence establishment of a civilization.

We shall explore the questions below in the next blog of Society:

1. Is there a Society in the World?
2. Has there been a Society ever in the World?
3. If yes, how close has it come to becoming an ideal Society?

Caution: This might be all theory

The Wealth of World – I

March 16, 2011

The Wealth of World – I

What is Wealth and where it is all coming from in the World? Life began with a tiny spark which created the entire universe. So as impossible it is to believe, everything around us came from as small as a grain of sand.

Wealth is of two types:
1. All the natural resources in the World (Gold, Oil, Minerals, Fish, Animals). These resources are fixed and limited in the World. And is likely to get over by the end of 30th century.
2. Innovation which creates value almost from nothing and nowhere. This wealth depends on our creative talent and is unlimited.

The Innovation cycle kicked off in the West (Europe & then America) Post-Dark Ages (After the 15th century) bringing unprecedented material wealth to the West. The West exploited Nature’s resources initially within their own continent and then went on to explore in the rest of the continents. They also innovated (Industrial, Nuclear, Computer, Biotechnology Revolutions) to create wealth from almost nothing.

Western Philosophy
Computer Revolution
Nuclear Energy
Clean Energy

This had two net effects on the World:
1. Increase in Natural Resources in West from East (and a corresponding decrease in East).
2. East got a bit of money from the West which it used to purchase higher quality goods from West.

However most of the East Countries (India, China and Africa) have missed the innovation bus. This has led to net outflow of all Natural Resources to the West. And also within East – from poor areas to the rich ones.

Lets take the example of India:
1. Increase in the Middle Class has come off the Natural Resources of Poor (The Interiors Of India).
2. The Government is selling natural resources through PSU to developed nations and giving money to RBI to fund the local banks which in turn is funding the middle class. (Although this needs to be verified)
3. The Economy is growing currently at 7% and that is approx the lending rate of banks. Hence even the wealth of the middle & rich class in India is on loans and hence on the natural resources of the interiors.
4. Even the software industry in India is exporting light and energy. There is hardly any innovation and most of the work is copy-paste from search engines like Google, Yahoo
5. The Depletion of Natural Resources is leading to massive degradation of the Environment and also long-term poverty in the country at the cost of short-term richness (only middle and rich class).

The World is currently on its way to exhaust its natural resources. Only innovation can create value, which is anyways absent in the East. We have to start innovating here in the East. Learn to innovate or we shall perish. Anyone listening?

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

Caution: This might be all theory