Posts Tagged ‘Clint Eastwood’

Nature (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?)

December 10, 2012

Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?)


Nature  (Can Science solve problems of Nature: ‘How are we going to feed 7 Billion People’?). We need 20 Billion high quality Burgers every day.


Steroid Hormone Receptor Prefers Working Alone to Shut Off Immune System Genes
(Observed: A rookie in jeans meets DHL Boss in a white suit, effect ‘Food @ Kailash Parvat’ in India between siblings over ‘Faith and Money’. ‘Scattering Effect by Raman’ studied or atleast it’s one of the counter-implementations)

Sungrazing Comets as Solar Probes
(Observed: Pamela settles in India near my home, and hopes I would be her dog in her new movie ‘The Unknown never sets on the Sun’. Btw, the movie is a cartoon film)

Migrating Great Lakes Salmon Carry Contaminants Upstream
(Observed: A hidden Letter reveals MJ donated Lamborgini to his hidden mistress, while keeping his wife on tender-chicken-bones)

Drought in the Horn of Africa Delays Migrating Birds
(Observed: England throws a chicken to France, so that it goes on perfecting it’s technique on ‘Plane Landing’ for my head)

Reduced Intensity Regimen Prior to Marrow Transplant Better for Older Leukemia Patients, Study Suggests
(Observed: A yellow ass dog in my nearest neighborhood is probably released for the first time and Scientist crash on that in their latest ‘Ferrari’. Ahh, old people are showed in the light of generosity to eat into their wealth slowly ‘Bit by Bit’. My dog concludes, old bones are tougher to eat than freshly cooked ones, because of their experience in sunlight and they smell bad perhaps)

Newly Approved Treatment for Acid Reflux Disease Available
(Observed: Clint Eastwood has sex with Cameron Diaz, and Scientist present their case to my school ‘B.P.M High School’. Denmark plays ‘Catch Me If You Can’ with perhaps a ‘New Rising Quality Slate for Europe’ created by noble people like M.K. Gandhi)

Reason Discovered for the Toxicity of Indoor Mould
(Observed: First time, a Lamborgini comes indoors in India, and Scientist cry foul in Chile. Chavez resigns from his seat. ‘Society Inspector’ concludes in his new submission to Rekha, with a ‘Instructional Manual’ on how to clean her ‘Silsila’ and keep it indoors in the new movie ‘Dabaang 2’)


My dog takes a swipe at ‘World’s Authority’ and their nuisances in distributing power, women and perhaps Spartacus.

Caution: This might be all theory

Humanitarian: Other Than ‘Survival of Fittest’ the mystery of which I am yet to solve on ‘How to overcome this?, I wish my Science should be only applied if poor people are not hurt by the same

Man and his Play

November 22, 2012

Man and his Play

Man and
his pouch

Some carry
the sand

For the
game of

The others
a few pennies

To throw
at the
monkeys around

You a

Dancing around
in your

You find
Love in

Which takes
you to
the Heavens

Sometimes the

Gives you
the pain

And the

Of Good
and Evil

Ohh man,
I wish

I could
be you

In your

Caution: This might be all theory

Rain God

August 18, 2012

Rain God

An odd

Comes to

Travels in
the splendour
of Sun

To the
high mountains

And to
the deep

Into the
of humans

the tricks
of the

Into the
steel sometime

And the
stars in
the night

He waits
for a

Out comes
a banana

Thinkin about
the grey
road, left

Splutters into

And off to
his music,

The path
with flowers

We call
him the
“Rain God”

Caution: This might be all theory




Science Today (Can Science find the knots in Nature and Universe?)

August 14, 2012

Science Today (Can Science find the knots in Nature and Universe?)

Can Science find the faults, greatness in Nature and Universe.


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

First-Ever Changes in an Exoplanet Atmosphere Detected
(Observed: A Different Planet, lights up for us)

Astronomers Detect Vast Amounts of Gas and Dust Around Black Hole in Early Universe
(Observed: Something stirs up in a black hole far back in early Universe)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

Asymmetry May Provide Clue to Superconductivity
(Observed: Gravity gets a kick in the vertical direction)

New Particle Discovered at CERN
CERN Wikipedia
(Observed & Apriori: A new particle created but is unstable, by CERN)

Quantum Computer Built Inside a Diamond
(Diamonds come home to Computers)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005
Barry J. Marshall, J. Robin Warren

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005 was awarded jointly to Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren “for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease”

Bayer (Company which coughs up Aspirin, to negate the disease Gastritis)
(Observed: Cause of ‘Stomach Trouble’ disease found)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Epileptic Fits Are Like Raging Thunderstorms: Astrocytes Help Reduce Long-Term Damage, Surprising New Research Shows
Epileptic seizure
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals  (Now Pfizer)
(Observed: Fits helped by a type of cell in brain, reverses our opinion about them)

Decision-Making Brain Activity in Patients With Hoarding Disorder
(Observed: ‘Need and Greed’ comes to the brain)

Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Appears to Aid Cognitive Functioning
(Observed: Old Age causing problems in cognition, cause unknown)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Promising Target in Treating and Preventing the Progression of Heart Failure Identified
Heart Failure
(Observed: Proteins which cause heart failure identified)

6. Environment

Diseased Trees New Source of Climate Gas
(Observed: Diseases come home to Trees and make them all hollow, also release a lot of bad stuff around)

New Approaches Needed for Uncovering, Identifying, and Treating Buried Chemical Warfare Material
(Observed: America goes from War to Peace in chemical warfare, the cost huge, covering its old mistakes, causes harm to Environment)

7. Evolution

Why Do Organisms Build Tissues They Seemingly Never Use?
(Observed: Excess in Environment found and Scientist wonder about it)

Archeologists Unearth Extraordinary Human Sculpture in Turkey
(Observed: Turkey’s tryst to finds its roots)

First Prehistoric Twins Discovered in Iberian Peninsula
(Observed: Two kids intertwined to each other found in the past)

8. Diseases

Delirium Increases the Risk of Developing New Dementia 8-Fold in Older Patients
(Observed: Old people might get confused when they have dementia in hospitals, piling on more diseases like Delirium)

Scientists Use Worms to Unearth Cancer Drug Targets
(Observed: Cancer solved by the help of worms)


Odd events found in Nature and us which might be diseases, new particles created by humans and Nature harmed. Very difficult to find the causes of the same.

Caution: This might be all theory

The Splash of Passion

August 14, 2012

The Splash of Passion

The bards
come out
with melodies

Splashed long

In books
of blood

Men on

Travellin a
thousand miles

Bring the
wonders of

Diamonds &

To burn
humans passion

Out comes

Of Man’s

On perfection
from Moon
to a

You revel
your young
& glory

the fruits of

Must stretch
to unthinkable

With your
life n

Common man,
get up

You have
a long way
to go

Caution: This might be all theory

“One Back”

August 10, 2012

“One Back”

You taken
to places

you don’t
wanna go

You are

The Man
with “One

They all
want you
fixed up

In the

A lever

And you
ogle out

Dollars and

The sin
of yours

Runnin away
from Money

The Glory
of West

Shinin on

And you
as a simple

The games
you play

All equaled
to a

In it

And out
comes the

You are

The Man
with “One

Caution: This might be all theory


July 21, 2012


Mr. Parrot,
what’s the
game today

Everyday a
different name

In the

They do
the same

A bit
different though

You repeatin
the same

The kisses
and the

It gets
to you
after a

Why are
you here?

And why
the World?

Resignin into
a dark

The lights
go away

Mr. Parrot
what’s the
game today

Caution: This might be all theory

Science Today (Can Diseases be Good?)

July 18, 2012

Science Today (Can Diseases be Good?)

A lot of time, we might think diseases as bad, but disease is also life which might try to kill the bad life in us. This might sound counter-intuitive at first but if we look at overall view, diseases might be better adept at living as compared to us (and we might be the exploiters against them). Can “Diseases” be good?


1. Astrophysics (Far: About Stars, Aliens and Fairies if they exist)

Catching Solar Particles Infiltrating Earth’s Atmosphere
(Sun throws up a tantrum and we accept it in Earth: Can we call Sun bad?)

Free-Floating Planets in the Milky Way Outnumber Stars by Factors of Thousands: Life-Bearing Planets May Exist in Vast Numbers
(Life elsewhere in Universe, signifying “Survival of Fittest” with humans. Can we call “Alien Life” bad?)

2. Quantum Mechanics (Small: Of young children, new thinking and the world of small things for people who prefer perfection)

World’s Most Difficult Chemical Experiment: The Struggle to Discover the Secret of Super-Heavy Elements
(What happens inside super heavy elements? Nature in Super-Heavy Elements play “Hide in Seek” with us, signifying Nature is yet to reveal us its true identity. Can we call Nature bad?)

3. Nobel Prize (Talent: People who did great discoveries in Science and are given a prize so that you don’t forget them)

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978
Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Hamilton O. Smith

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978 was awarded jointly to Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans and Hamilton O. Smith “for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics”.
(Scientist discover knifes which can cut the most basic foundation of living beings to find the clue to Life and more)

4. Brain (You: Human Thinking Machine )

Zebrafish Reveal Promising Process for Healing Spinal Cord Injury
(Injury can be healed by shape now but in fishes. Zebrafish shows amazing tenacity as compared to Humans.)

Pediatric Brain Tumors Traced to Brain Stem Cells
(Brain behaves unusual, one part of it works and the other fails, when a gene shuts off)

5. Gene Therapy (Close: Of Relationships)

Genetic Causes Identified for Disturbances in Lipid Metabolism; Implications for Diabetes
(Diabetes on the way out, helped by Scientist)

Researchers Continue ‘Extraordinary Measures’ to Tackle Pompe Disease
(Scientist on the hunt of a villain which removes fast energy, a disease which will do anything to kill)

6. Evolution

IUDs, Implants Most Effective Birth Control, Study Suggests
(America gets to task on unintended pregnancies, which is caused by lack of money and probably an expensive scientific technique which is yet to get mainstream)

Gourmet Butterflies Speed North
(Butterflies expand in England by “Survival of Fittest” against other species)

7. Diseases

Potential Cause of HIV-Associated Dementia Revealed
(HIV virus gets active in the brain pairing with other diseases like Dementia to kill its enemy ‘Humans’, which signifies “Our Enemy can form better relationships than us”, a quality which we humans seem lacking)

As we see above, there are many diseases, fish and animals which are thriving against humans in a common Nature exemplifying “Better Survival of Fittest” skills against us and hence we should be cautious about calling them bad. They are better adept in a diminishing Nature. It might be a good idea trying to develop a symbiotic relationships with most living beings for further growth in Nature and us.

Caution: This might be all theory

Black Hole

July 16, 2012

Black Hole

You venture

It’s a
new mornin

Nature refreshes

With its

The odd
hours in

Unruffled by

Brings an
odd look

You cant
sit with

Nor do
any sense

It is
a strange

Wound around

With “Death”
written all

Nature wonders
“Why thy must
be so?”

Leavin a
black hole

Caution: This might be all theory

Where is the Gold gone?

July 13, 2012

Where is the Gold gone?

An odd

Calmness in
his eyes

Resigns to
his hut

A strange
evil like

Spins a
web around
the place

Each day
a visit

And a
strange viral
flows around

The little

Get lost
one by

Discord in

No one
to take
care of

Soon the
gold flows

Everyone turn
up one

With empty

And resigned

Caution: This might be all theory