Posts Tagged ‘String Theory’

Scientific Laws, The Human and the Environment

January 14, 2012

Scientific Laws, The Human and the Environment


Most of the scientific laws are by observations from the environment. People like Newton, Einstein observe phenomenon from their experiments and try to postulate them in theories.

However there are two variables: The Human Brain and The Environment. Both of which depend on the quality & perhaps change over time. So one must account in these laws a factor dependent on them too.


Newton’s First Law (Force = Mass * Acceleration) should become:

Force = Mass * Acceleration +- f(Human Brain) +- f(Environment) (Probably this is the same as what Einstein and the current scientist are stating: Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, Supersymmetry)

Some other questions

1. Was Quantum Mechanics as a phenomenon present in 15th century? Light was present in the form of sunlight, from coal and trees. So if Plank or Einstein would have been present in that century, would they have been able to observe Quantum Mechanics? Or the Environment and Nature were governed only by Newton’s Laws?


f is a function which can be expressed in mathematical terms

Caution: This might be all theory

Science of Small Things: QM & ST

December 29, 2011

Quantum Mechanics and String Theory : Thought Experiment

This blog is about small things and about the scientific experiments on them. We can’t see them but they seem to play a very important part in our life: Light, Food, Water, Clothes and possibly everything we see around us. Science has made great strides in understanding the very basic construction of Life, Universe and everything around us.

This is similar to the “Double Slit Experiment” but it attempts to take it further in the thought experiment below.

In the Quantum Mechanics Experiment, if you fire a photon and there are observers which are kept at a distance apart which is less than the width of the photon. The photon would have to pass through it. If you can clamp the photon as it passes through midway, you could possibly catch the photon midway with half of it free in the forward direction and the other half in the backward direction. In effect, you would lock the present of the photon and free up the past and the future of it to do whatever it likes. The energy of the present state of the photon would flow into its past and future. In effect we would be able to study the present of the photon looking into its past and the future.

Similarly if you lock its past, one would be effectively be able to study its present and future with the energy of its past flowing into its present & future. And if we clamp the future, one would be able to study its past and present.

Similarly if we form an observer which is not 2 clamps but a circular string (String Theory), one would be able to study the quality of photon within the string of the particular radius. As you increase the radius of the circular string to infinity, one would be able to study the quality of photon in incremental steps till infinity, making it possible to etch out the complete photon.

Similarly, one could have multiple strings with different properties etching out its effect on the photon and its reaction to the same. This might further bring out the qualitative effects of the Photon in different states.

Caution: This might be all theory

What is Nature’s Goal?: A Scientific Perspective

December 9, 2011

What is Nature’s Goal?: A Scientific Perspective

This scientific blog is to enquire into Nature’s mind or goal. Nature is everything around us including we humans.

Previous Blog
What is Nature’s Goal?: A General Perspective


Modern Science like Newtons Laws, Quantum Mechanics, String Theory are trying to ascertain the most native & original questions like “Origin Of Universe“, “What is an Idea”, “What is Emotion”, “The End” and more. Below we take a brief look at some of the most important fundamentals of Science.

Newtons Laws: A car moving on the road
Quantum Mechanics: Light through we which all see
String Theory: Death after Life
Higgs’ Boson: “What came first?”


At the end, one might have to kill each other for existence and progress

Survival of the Fittest: Charles Darwin demonstrated over a period of time, the unfit go away and only the strong survive.

Survival of the Fittest: Charles Darwin
The Rise of West over East due to Science
The Trump of British over India


Anyone can do anything we want. Randomness. Love, Peace, War, Existence.

As we see, Science is articulating theories about some of the most sacred and undiscovered questions till now. More on this in the next blog of the series.

1. Van der Waal Forces
2. Brownian Motion

1. Is there a theory which can answer all questions in the Universe?

Caution: This might be all theory